2024 – 2026
Partnership Programme
With Angharad Wynne & Guests

Course Structure & Fees
A Partnership Programme
The programme consists of six retreats over two years. Dates of the first 3 retreats are given below.
Participants must commit to attend ALL SIX retreats over the three years. The first three retreats are in the main a taught programme providing a strong foundation and basis in the spiritual traditions of Britain. The final three retreats are by invitation and a deeper dive, exploration and experimentation to work with the learning and traditions and embed a living practice for today. The dates of the final three retreats will be confirmed towards the end of the first year.
Each of our six retreats will include these elements:
- Teaching core skills and transmission of knowledge. Tutors will offer their experience, and add additional perspectives, knowledge and wisdom to our enquiry.
- Creative improvisation through song, dance, making, writing, trusting to spontaneity and imagination.
- Pilgrimage along dream paths, across mythically and spiritually rich landscapes, developing intimacy with nature, exulting in wild adventure.
- Practices that aid Deep listening practices to help open the intuitive mind, ground the body and work with the subconscious, with spirit and ancestral guides as a source of guidance
- Experimentation around the subject matters of each retreat and feedback
- Sharing of myths, legends, poetry and song around a fire, celebrating the rich tapestry of lore and legend in this land
- Circle time to check in, share, support and deepen with each other
- Ceremony that arises from the matter of the retreat, the land and our combined creativity.
Each retreat offers a full programme of learning, enquiry, practical activity and pilgrimage. They can be intense and require a good degree of physical and mental health and stamina. We usually walk about 8-10 km one day per retreat, over mixed moorland terrain. We tend to work from about 9.30am in the morning, through until late in the evening most retreat days, and sometimes undertake all-night rituals and vigils.
In between the physical retreats there will be an online session. Some of these will include taught sessions (which will be recorded in case you can’t join), and others will be a chance to catch up and check in on progress with tasks and research set during the retreats.
Crossing initiatory thresholds brings up ‘stuff,’ and the very fabric of life can be impacted – and often is. We view this as part of the important process of transformation. Ceremony, deep processes etc are designed to shake things up and to help us to resolve and grow into the full flourishing of who we are.
Dadeni 1
Dates: Wednesday afternoon, 5 June – Sunday afternoon, 9 June 2024
Location: Trefacwn, Pembrokeshire
Online Session & Circle: 16 July, 6pm – 8.30pm – taught session, catch up and feedback on tasks
Dadeni 2
Dates: Wednesday afternoon, 25 September – Sunday afternoon, 29 September 2024
Location: Trefacwn, Pembrokeshire
Online Circle: 21 November, 6.30pm – 8.30pm – catch up and feedback on tasks
Dadeni 3
Dates: Wednesday afternoon, 7 May – Sunday afternoon, 11 May 2025
Location: TBC
Dadeni 4
Dates: TBC
Dadeni 5
Dates: TBC
Dadeni 6
Dates: TBC
Fees: Each retreat costs £680.00. This includes accommodation, food, facilities, retreat tutoring and online sessions in between. The programme is split in two halves of three retreats. Payment plans will be available to help spread the cost.
An Invitation
Across our earth, land has inspired many different cultures, languages and spiritual traditions. In Britain, our oldest traditions, our earliest cultures, have been buried under many waves of invasion and layers of cultural influence. In looking for authentic traditions, it’s easy to turn to surviving cultures elsewhere to feed our spiritual hunger. It is tempting to borrow their practices, plant medicines and rituals, but there is a danger that we end up consuming other people’s cultures at the cost of overlooking what is left of our own.
DADENI is a call, a howl, a shout-out to those who want to work spiritually and ritually with the land and connect with the ancient, native spiritual threads of Britain. We believe the best place to look for our deepest roots is before Christianity, before the Roman invasion, as far back as the end of the last Ice Age. We may even find our way back to 32,000 BC when a young man was buried ceremonially in a cave in South Wales. This so-called ‘prehistoric’ period is often overlooked but contains some of the greatest treasures of these islands.
Our ancestors had no holy book, and neither do we, but there are many traces of their lore that have survived into our times. There are a dedicated few who have given their lives to delving into different aspects of our native lore. Some of these will be our DADENI teachers, helping to weave together the tattered fabric of our tradition into a spiritual practice based on the old ways but relevant to now.
The poetry and stories of Wales contain some of the most ancient lore of this land. It forms a core part of what has become known as ‘The Matter of Britain.’ For many centuries this matter was borne by the oral tradition. Later, some of it was written down by medieval scribes. These stories and verses hold the surviving fragments of the glimmering spiritual traditions and practices of the Brythonic people who lived across Britain (south of Scotland) until the Anglo Saxon invasion of the 5th Century. That’s why there will be some focus on this ancient matter.
The hills, and sacred sites of Wales will be our stomping ground. We begin the journey in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, an area resonant with mythic and spiritual sites. We will later journey north, with a final retreat offered as a pilgrimage in Snowdonia and Anglesey (Ynys Môn) where the ancient Druids had their heartland. People came from all over Europe to study with them. They added their own sacred and magical practices to the Bronze Age and Neolithic sacred sites, deities and traditions that were honoured for thousands of years before. Because the accessible landscape in the western peninsulas of Wales in particular, is still fairly wild and undeveloped, many ancestral traces – standing stones, stone circles, burial chambers, trackways and hillforts – can easily be found. Here is as good a place as any to immerse ourselves in indigenous spirituality. We will walk songlines and listen deeply at sacred places, respond as ritual arises from the land and is met by our human need for ceremony and the sacred.
While DADENI is essentially a ‘spirit school’ it is not about top down learning. The word ‘education’ has two different Latin roots. They are educare, which means to train or to mould, and educere, meaning to lead out. Both meanings will be present on this programme. Our teachers will share their knowledge, particularly in the first three retreats, as well as help to draw out that deep intuition already slumbering within you. This has been the way of teaching and handing down lore amongst traditional people since time immemorial: learning, practicing, experiencing, intuiting and understanding. The final three retreats are a deeper dive and by invitation. This will be a smaller group ready to learn, grow, experiment, explore at a deeper level, building upon the taught foundation of the first three retreats.
You don’t need to be from this land to do this work. Land calls to us regardless of race or birthplace. Importantly, this programme will provide a framework and set of tools for working with landscapes elsewhere, where other native spiritual traditions have been almost lost or overlooked. Ultimately, this is about using instinct and intuition to connect to an older, wilder way of knowing Land, Nature and Tradition. It’s about learning to deepen into a soulful practice aligned with our corner of the earth.
Dadeni is an initiatory programme. Initiations transform, and so be prepared for it to have a significant impact upon your life. It is not for the feint hearted, but, if your soul is stirred by this call, if you’re ready to commit to three years of spiritual enquiry and growth through learning, ceremony, song, myth, plant spirit medicine, intuition and landscape with a small group of people who will become your spiritual, ceremonial and dreaming tribe, then please consider filling in an application and joining us on DADENI.
The application process for our next Dadeni opens on 30 October 2023 at 20.00 and will close at midnight on 21 January. The next intake will begin their three year journey on June 5th 2024. If you are considering making an application, please check that you are available for the first three retreats here.
Dadeni is a partnership between Dreaming the Land and the Animate Earth Collective.

Your Guides
Dadeni is a partnership between Dreaming the Land and the Animate Earth Collective. The lead guide of this apprenticeship is Angharad Wynne.
Teaching: new, old ways of knowing, the medicine in our mythology, dream-journeying, archetypes and creating ceremony with the land.
Angharad has spent much of her life searching for her native spirituality, delving beneath layers of Christianity and following pathways back to the ancient myth and early poetry of Britain. She has trained within the Western Magical Traditions and Celtic Shamanism but her strongest inspiration comes from journeys across Wales, listening with her feet, dreaming with the land, finding new and old ways of knowing. Along the way, the moon and seasons have become blood tides, nature her sustaining guide and the ancestors her teachers. She runs workshops, retreats, pilgrimages and courses, holds ceremony and co-creates ritual to share her understanding of the old ways of this land and their application for our time now.

Colin Campbell

Dr Gwilym Morus-Baird

Fiona Shaw

Jules Cooper

Gwyn Edwards