Wounded Places: Joy, Grief, Belonging and Beauty
With Trebbe Johnson
It’s easy to love beautiful places, but the grief we hold when they have been damaged or destroyed, means that it can take great courage to redefine, and even strengthen, our relationships with them.
For many years Trebbe Johnson has been holding the flame for wounded places around the world and guiding us towards the radical joy that arises from our tending to them with beauty, and the fierce consciousness we must develop in order to find meaning and joy, even in hard times.
Trebbe Johnson
Trebbe is the author of The World is a Waiting Lover, Radical Joy for Hard Times and her latest book this year: Fierce Consciousness, Surviving the Sorrows of Earth and Self. In 2009 she founded Radical Joy for Hard Times which is now a global community of people tending to Earth’s wounded places.
17 June is Radical Joy’s Global Earth Exchange Day when people all over the world take part in ceremony to honour and tend wounded places. Take part here: https://radicaljoy.org/
Wounded Places
June 15, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Venue: Online