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Midsummer Pilgrimage & Vigil

With Colin Campbell, Angharad Wynne, Sharon Blackie, Sicelo Mbatha and Rachel Fleming

Residential: 1pm 17 – 3pm 21 July 2023

Join us at the height of summer in the wild hills of Cumbria for five days of ceremony and pilgrimage along the old ways, and an overnight vigil of surrender to silence before we sing up the sun.

Both pilgrimage and vigil are magical rites – they open the gates to the ineffable, a space of yielding, of surrender to the awesome.

Our pilgrimage will be into the hills and mountains surrounding Loweswater in Cumbria, a place of ancient paths, ancestral places, wild beauty and deep myth. As part of our pilgrimage, we will spend one night on the land in vigil, sitting with the shadows of ancestors.

Please note that this is also the first residential of our Contemporary Animism Apprenticeship. There will be an opportunity to join for the full year on completion of this week.

Details: Find Full details on the link below

Midsummer Pilgrimage & Vigil


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  • Midsummer Pilgrimage & Vigil
     July 17, 2023 - July 21, 2023
     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Cockermouth, Cumbria, United Kingdom


English Lake District

Lake District