We have come together as animist explorers, searching for the paths and practices that lead us back to our place in the more-than-human world
We are looking at ways our ancestors and our relations around the world find meaning, belonging and purpose that are relevant to us today
We believe it’s possible for us all to remember how to live in a much deeper relationship with the living world around us and move in the direction of beauty…
as we explore an animist worldview, held by our ancestors and relations across the world, to find a more connected, harmonious, sustaining and joyful way to live in these times
Founding Circle
Rachel Fleming
Colin Campbell
Angharad Wynne
Cindy Cooper
Niusia Winczewska
Emma George
Advisory Circle
David Abram
Magician, lead animist and author of Spell of the Sensuous and Becoming Animal
Stephan Harding
Holistic scientist, shape-shifter and author of Animate Earth and Gaian Alchemy
Pat McCabe
Woman Stands Shining. Ceremonialist from the North American Diné tradition